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1 year agoDownload Fm 2005 Editor 2014 Ingame

I don't like Football Manager 2018

Been a hardcore fan since the CM days and put hundreds of hours into 2017 so of course I was eagerly awaiting the Beta like many of you.

Now I've had some time to get to grips with it though I hate to say it, and understand I may be inviting downvotes by doing so, but I am not really enjoying myself with FM2018.

Sure, I'm aware it's a Beta and certain things will change but let's be honest, nothing drastic is going to change. It never has from Beta to full release before and it won't start now.

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First off I'd like to praise it for the things it does right:

The match engine seems to be an improvement over the FM17 engine which itself wasn't that terrible. More animations and actual logical defending are huge additions that are very welcome.

Dynamics is also a nice addition and I like how between the Dynamics and the new scouting system that the game naturally makes it FAR more difficult to just stockpile talent like in previous FM's.

That's about all the praise I have though.

The UI is absolute trash and there is no kinder way to say it. Whoever designed it is stealing a living.

Basic, BASIC, design rules are wilfully ignored in FM2018. The use of space is abysmal and everything feels utterly unintuitive to get done. From the piss-poor tactics screen to player profiles everything feels ugly and badly thought out.

I refuse to believe that the people who made the UI have ever taken a design course. We are going to be relying on the skinning community more than ever to make FM2018 bearable IMO, although unfortunatley I think there are design choices that are beyond being fixed in a new skin.

The way the game presents the player with information has somehow taken a huge step back as well.

The one thing Football Manager didn't need more of was more hoops to jump through and more mini morale guessing games with your squad, but yet SI thought it would be a good idea to add yet more of these mind numbing click-fests that often are just hit and hope anyway.

Did anyone really want more of this?

The emotional fragility of players is ridiculous. They're more easy to upset than my ex girlfriend. I feel like the squad needs Prozac to level out their emotions not yet another pep talk at this point.

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Also, what the hell is wrong with the match graphics? Are they meant to be better than previous versions? The vibrance of the colours seems like it's been set to max and just done with it.

All the colours are completely blown out. Why? How did they look at it in its current state and think that it looked good like this? Not only does it look totally unrealistic it is also a pain to even look at. It's quite simply ugly af.

The streamlined match day interface is also worse than previous years as is the presentation of the match screens between highlights.

How did anyone look at the grass on the pitch and go 'yep, that's the look we were after!'

The 3D is legitimately worse than FM2017 as it is right now. Really disappointing for the much vaunted new engine.

If you want to go back to the classic 2D it is also way worse in FM2018 so good luck with that.

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It's the inexplicable design choices that get me the most though. More clicks, simple tasks hidden away behind more menus and screens, and a general feel that everything is more fiddly and difficult to do.

It's like there was no serious meetings about how the player navigates the game and how they might improve the experience because in almost every single place they have changed something with the UI they have in fact made it MORE difficult and fiddly to get things done whilst totally ignoring the tons of things that could have been improved over previous versions.

I understand there is an acclimatising process as you get used to the new UI but I don't feel that my unfamiliarity is the driving issue here. It's just bad design.

I can't even recommend FM2018 as a quality of life improvement over FM17 because it blatantly isn't.

Anyway, rant over. I'm not going to slam it for things like too many injuries because stuff like that will be patched, but the design choices are complete and utter trash and make the game a chore far too often and I do stand by that claim.

It's like the people that made the game are new to Football Manager and have never played the game themselves. The amount of small niggly things that have been made worse than ever is crazy, all while the most maligned parts of the FM series (namely player/press interaction) have been made even more involved and long winded with no discernable value or extra immersion for the player.

I wanted to love FM2018 but the glaring issues with it (that are clearly way beyond the Beta) are way too pronounced. I think there is a huge amount of potential under the hood but the UI and gameplay choices have ruined it.

A competent skin is going to take a long time to come out but even then I think it might be an uphill battle when it comes to the very flow of the game.


Am I just being a moany bitch and blowing things out of proportion or do you also feel like despite some under the hood improvements the actual gaming experience with FM18 is a huge step back from 17?

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