Mio Product Key

  1. Mio Product Key

A key generator often called a keygen, is a program that generates working product keys for installing software. Here's more on keygens. 968 records - Mio Product Key Generator 8,7/10 524reviews. Mio Product Key Generator. Navigate to the Navman Map Unlock Keys page (see Resources.

hi all gps/pda/wince experts... [sorry accidentally posted identical question in EE lounge]Product
here's something, but pardon my ignorance - gps navigation systems is quite new to me.
I have a NAVMAN MY-55 (my-series is new). Like many gps navigation companies, they offer service to purchase their additional maps, say of western europe. The purchase is really a purchase of an unlock key (like most softwares)... whereupon using in conjuction with the DVD that comes with the unit, will unlock and allow the map on the DVD to be copied and installed correctly on the MY-55 machine.
So here's my thing: the map cost $129, and I have heard essentially it is a platform running win ce. Apparently, running win ce implies that this device can also be 'unlocked' by using something such as 'mio' - i guess a software that bypasses the NAVMAN's interface and allows direct access to the bigger picture, the native OS... enabling other features such as video playing etc... And more importantly in this case, is the use of OTHER navigation softwares on the unit - therefore allowing multiple navigational softwares and their appropriate maps to be operated on this 'navman' machine, essentially opening up the unit.
QUESTION: Is the above understanding correct (save my poor explaination of it)?

Mio Product Key

QUESTION: Does ANYONE know of a NAVMAN activation key/code bypass/keygen (?!) for MY-SERIES.
QUESTION: Are there any drawbacks to opening up the system to mio (or other equivalents)... because it seems like it's mostly beneficial.
QUESTION: How else can i navigate using some WESTERN EUROPE MAP (keyword is navigate, because apparently some other hacks only allow 'virtual' use of map instead of actual gps navigation simultaneous with map)...
QUESTION: pdf reading on an unlocked unit??
I know this will seem like a plead for workarounds something legit, but I think this may be bit beyond that in that mio unlocks the machine and enables the unit for other purposes.
I'm very keen to know more about these things, but right now, i'm very very anxious to know what EE can provide in terms of advice for a western europe map for this device. Thanks thanks thanks!!!!

You can update your Mio Moov 500 GPS device with maps from the installation DVD or by purchasing the updates from the Mio website (see Resources). The installation DVD comes with the MioMore Desktop software, which you can use to install, activate and remove maps from your device, as well as update older maps with newer versions. Note that you need an active Internet connection in order to update your device's maps using the MioMore Desktop software on your computer.

Install MioMore Desktop

Step 1

Insert the Mio DVD into your computer’s DVD drive. The installer launches automatically, but if the setup file does not launch, navigate to the “Install.exe” file on the DVD, and then click the file to start the installation.

Step 2

Click the icon for your desired language, and then click “Install.” The License Agreement displays; accept it to open the Installation Destination dialog box.

Click “Next” to accept the default location, or click “Browse” to browse to and select another location, and then click “Next.”The MioMore Desktop application is installed on your computer. Click “Finish” to close the wizard when the installation completes.

Update Maps

Step 1


Launch the MioMore Desktop application on your computer, and then connect the Mio Moov 500 to your computer with the USB data cable that shipped with the device. Press the “Power” button on the GPS. The GPS connects and registers to the MioMore software.

Step 2

Update the MioMore Desktop software to obtain additional maps and updates. Open MioMore Desktop, and then click through 'Tools Options General Auto Check for Updates.” The application performs an update check. Follow the on-screen prompts to download and install the update, if one is available. Available maps and map updates display in your MioMore Desktop.

Step 3

Click “My Maps” to open My Maps, where you can see a list of installed and available maps for your device. Installed maps display in green font; unlocked maps ready to be installed display in yellow; maps that require activation or further action display in red; and maps you can purchase from Mio display in blue.

Step 4

Click a red or yellow map to update the map to your device. If the map requires activation, the Activation wizard launches. Purchase the Map Product Key, if required, and then type the Map Product Key into the corresponding fields. Click “Next.” The application connects to Mio's servers to activate your map. When the map is activated, its title displays in yellow.

Step 5

Click the link for the activated map you want to install. The link text turns to yellow, indicating that the map is available, but not yet installed.

Click the icon for your device, and then click “Transfer Now” to install the selected map to your Mio Moov. The map link changes color to green. It is now updated and ready to use.


  • When you enable 'Auto Check for Updates,' the MioMore Desktop application checks for updates whenever you launch the program.


  • Updating the MioMore Desktop software is different from upgrading the application. To upgrade the program to a newer version, you must first purchase the new version from Mio.
  • Information in these steps applies to the Mio Moov 200, 300 and 500 series. Instructions may vary slightly or significantly for other Mio devices.

Items you will need

  • Mio installation DVD
  • Mio Moov 500 USB cable

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