Atk Package V1.0.0020 Asus


I have upgrated my ASUS ROG G55W laptop to WIndows 10, and ATK Package ver 1.0.0017 is installed by default. After checking some of the new stuff, I found a 'ASUS Welcome' app. In this app some updates are poposed, and I found a newer ATK Package there. I downloaded it (ver 1.0.0038). Well, it did give a solution to 1 problem, but it just gave another problem, so I want to go back to the version that is installed by the windows-upgrade.
But where do I find this ATK Package ver 1.0.0017? I can't find it on ASUS' webpage, and I can't find it with google .
Anybody knows how to get this version back?
I had to uninstall it, before I could install the newer version, so System Restore tells me, that this program has to be reinstalled if I just use SystemRestore to go back to before I installed the new version.

Sep 26, 2017. Panel, then download and intstall new version of ATK Package driver and then install Smart Gesture driver from ASUS support website. How to uninstall ATK Package Version 1.0.0050 by ASUS? Learn how to remove ATK Package Version 1.0.0050 from your computer. Should I remove ATK Package by ASUS? This package installs the software ATK Hotkey Driver and other ASUS drivers and software with various laptop models.

I'm trying to search the ATK Package driver for Asus Notebooks suitable for Windows 10 but I can find only versions for previous Windows version (8, 8.1, 7). Have Asus already released their ATK driver for Win10?

Simone PulciniSimone Pulcini

3 Answers

ASUS support site is not very user friendly 👎.

I made a post with all the ASUS drivers for Windows 10 👍, including ATK Package.

Asus Gl551j Atk Package

Here you can find ATK Package 1.0.0060, for 64-bit and 32-bit versions.

What Is Atk Package Asus


Asus has a hard to find downloads section where you can grab latest versions of some apps and drivers.

Follow this link and click Change Your Model, a window will appear. Select Notebook in the left column and then don't select your laptop model. Between laptop models in the center column there are some interesting items:

  • Apps
  • Apps for Win8
  • Apps for Win8.1
  • Apps for Win10
  • Drivers
  • Drivers for Win8
  • Drivers for Win8.1
  • Drivers for Win10

Select one of these, then choose the app/driver you want from the right column. In this case you'll want to select Apps for Win10, then ATKPackage and click Confirm. Then switch to Downloads tab, select Windows 10 (32-bit or 64-bit, whichever you have), expand the ATK node and grab your installer.


Other hard-to-find downloads can be found this way too.


Asus released an official ATK driver for Windows 10 64 bit and you can reach at this link (pointing to Asus official download support site): Mio product key.

Simone PulciniSimone Pulcini

protected by CommunityOct 8 '15 at 0:18

Atk Package V1.0.0020 Asus

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